12 May 22
25 Short & Sweet Father’s Day Messages
written by Claire James
Sending one of our Personalised Chocolate Pizzas as a Father’s Day gift on Sunday 19th June, but don’t know what to write? Don’t worry we’ve got you covered!
Okay, we know that condensing your feelings into just 24 characters is a big ask, and I’m sure when the pressure’s on your mind is likely to go blank.
So how do you get something deep and meaningful across to your favourite Father-figure when space is limited?
Use A Nickname For Dad
Using a nickname on a plaque for your Dad or Granddad is one of the easiest ways to add some personalisation, especially if it’s something you wouldn’t usually find elsewhere.
Whether it’s Pappa-bear, Gramps, Grampy, Daddykins, or Da, adding these to your plaque will reinforce the special bond between the two of you.
Usually a sentimental nickname on its own will be enough to convey your loving message – but if you do need to say more then you can always add a free gift card message to your order.
25 Short & Sweet Father’s Day Messages
If you’re still stuck for ideas what to write as, then our advice is to keep it short and sweet.
As a trained journalist and editor in a former life, I became expert at condensing words down, whilst still conveying the same sentiment and meaning, so I’ve put together a list of 25 messages that fit into the 24 characters or less category.
So whether you’re looking for a message for a first-time Father, or something for those who have taken up the role of a father-figure without question, then you’re sure to find something on our list to help you out:
- Dad You’re One Of A Kind
- To Dad With Love xx
- Enjoy Your Day!
- Love You Daddy!
- This Is All Yours!
- Happy Father’s Day, Dad
- Happy Dad-to-Be Day
- To An Amazing Dad
- Dad’s Taxi Service
- My Superhero, My Dad
- Daddy You’re My Hero
- Dad, aka Handyman
- Can’t Wait To Meet You
- Happy 1st Father’s Day
- Glad We’re Family
- With Love & Hugs!
- Hugs And Kisses xx
- Love Always
- Thinking Of You
- You’re My Rock!
- Thanks Dad!
- One In A Million
- Top Dad
- To An Awesome Dad
- A Slice For Me & Thee